1 research outputs found

    Construction of an instrument on the digital competences of the teacher to use YouTube as a didactic resource : analysis of reliability and validity

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue la creaci贸n de un instrumento sobre la competencia digital del docente en la utilizaci贸n de YouTube como herramienta de aprendizaje. Concretamente, se trazaron los siguientes objetivos espec铆ficos: validez de contenido, validez de comprensi贸n, validez de constructo (an谩lisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio), validez convergente y discriminante, invarianza por g茅nero (masculino-femenino) y tipo de centro (urbano-rural) y determinar la consistencia interna a trav茅s de diferentes coeficientes de fiabilidad. El instrumento cont贸 con una versi贸n inicial de 30 铆tems clasificados en tres factores: DIM. CD-I - Informaci贸n; DIM. CD-C - Comunicaci贸n; DIM. CD-CC - Creaci贸n de contenido. El instrumento fue aplicado a 2157 docentes procedentes de todo el territorio espa帽ol, pertenecientes a diferentes etapas educativas: Educaci贸n Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria, Formaci贸n Profesional y Ense帽anza de Personas Adultas. Los an谩lisis de fiabilidad fueron satisfactorios. Con relaci贸n a la validez, los resultados encontraron un buen ajuste del modelo, tanto en la validez interna como en la invarianza factorial por g茅nero y tipo de centro, con una versi贸n final del instrumento de 13 铆tems. Estos resultados muestran que el instrumento que se presenta es v谩lido y fiable para medir la competencia digital del docente sobre el uso que hacen de YouTube como recurso did谩ctico.The purpose of this study was the creation of an instrument on the digital competence of the teacher in the use of YouTube as a learning tool. Specifically, the following specific objectives were outlined: content validity, comprehension validity, construct validity (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis), convergent and discriminant validity, invariance by gender (male-female) and type of center (urban-rural), and determine the internal consistency through different reliability coefficients. The instrument had an initial version of 30 items classified into three factors: DIM. DC-I - Information; DIM. DC-C - Communication; DIM. DC-CC - Creation of content. The instrument was applied to 2157 teachers from all over the Spanish territory, belonging to different educational stages: Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Adult Education. The reliability analyzes were satisfactory. Regarding validity, the results found a good adjustment of the model, both in internal validity and in factorial invariance by gender and type of center, with a final version of the instrument of 13 items. These results show that the instrument presented is valid and reliable to measure the digital competence of the teacher regarding the use they make of YouTube as a didactic resource